


О себе

**«After the End»** is an anime series set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity faces the aftermath of a catastrophic event. The story centers around a group of survivors struggling to adapt to their new, desolate environment, where society has crumbled, and technology is a distant memory. The protagonist, once an ordinary individual in a bustling city, finds themselves thrust into this dangerous new world after the fall of civilization. As they navigate through this harsh reality, they uncover dark secrets, confront moral dilemmas, and form unlikely alliances with fellow survivors.

The anime delves into themes of resilience, human nature, and the consequences of technological advancement. Through compelling character arcs and a richly developed world, it explores how people cope with loss, rebuild relationships, and attempt to restore a sense of purpose after the collapse of everything they knew. Stunning animation captures the bleak beauty of this new world, filled with both breathtaking landscapes and haunting ruins.

With intense action, emotional depth, and thought-provoking philosophy, «After the End» presents a gripping journey that asks: In the face of extinction, can humanity find hope, or is it doomed to be lost forever?Watch the beginning after the end


  • Пол: мужской
  • Дата рождения: 6 февраля 1999
  • Местоположение: Австралия


  • Зарегистрирован: 09 января 2025, 12:30
  • Последний визит: 09 января 2025, 12:34