Прически "от Uniqlo" (подборка)

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Прическа "от Uniclo"

На сайте Uniqlo появился очень полезный проект Hairdo (дословно «Делаем волосы»). Анимированные гифки демонстрируют, как самостоятельно сделать 16 женских причесок, а в довершение под каждую из них подбирается кэжуал-лук из осенне-зимней коллекции бренда. Мне особо три понравились:
Английский текст убрать не удается — он встроен.


Pull hair into low ponytails and secure with hair bands.

Join hair together at the nape.

Join hair together again a little bit further down.

Pin both hair sections together.

Roll up and secure with hair clips.

Finish style by combing smooth any stray hairs left on top.


Begin to French braid the hair on one side.

Continue braid to the end of the hair and secure with hair band.

Comb hair on other side behind the ear.

Comb hair on other side behind the ear.

Braid hair and secure with hair band.

Comb the back for a smooth finish.


Take front section and back comb roots.

Pull the top section down to the back of the head.

Pull side section of hair back and secure with hair clip.

Pull other side section of hair back and secure with hair clip.

Smooth the remaining hair with a soft brush.

Complete the look by adding hair clip.


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